Archive for October, 2011

Amid the Ruin, Still the Beauty

October 12, 2011

Amid all the ruin, still the beauty

still the dusty trailway beckons to wanderers

Pervasive sadness cannot sway the transformation

Sit among the damage and inspire

Exercising humility once again

after you swiffen your own demise

your own renaissance waits

around a corner that you’re blinded to

Amid the weeds, still the flower

alone in suffering grandeur

a touch is a million miles away

if it is forever

Tragic hero spurs his own undoing

Blame cannot be sorted

Only mirror tests spot the culprit

Growing stronger throughout dismal times

Amid the ruin, still the beauty

still the memories retain their form

Still the smile replays inside the mind

Still the touch is felt from far away

The Day I Marry My Best Friend

October 12, 2011

I walk the silent aisle slow
and look at faces turned towards me
as if they see the love that grows
inside my heart eternally
The raging glow that never dies
the embers waiting to ignite
as slowly I turn around to see
your lovely figure glide towards me

A day we thought would never come
Preparations without end
Every moment leads us to
the day I marry my best friend

Even now I still recall
the moment I first saw your face
The smile which caused my heart to stall
as if only you were in that place
The smile is still a melting one
and I see that smile inside your eyes
It warms me as the summer sun
It carries me to paradise

I even look through times of pain
much differently than times before
A gray and cloudy time of rain
a heart defeated, tired and sore
But God knew what would soon occur
and what I needed as a man
to love you as He loves us both
to give a future and a plan

A day we thought would never come
Preparations without end
Every moment leads us to
The day I marry my best friend

Someday on our porch swing
on a cool October day
We will sit hand in hand
and watch the little children play
Then we can both look back in joy
at years of trust and years of love
A scrapbook full of memories
A life that’s blessed by God above

These are the thoughts that fill my mind
and prompt my heart to pray
while I watch you glide towards me
On my best friends wedding day

Wishing you a Radiant Day

October 6, 2011

This morning as I was driving to Barnes and Noble to work on the website and on my Eight Pillars of Success program, I was appreciating what an absolutely beautiful day we were enjoying in West Michigan. Already in the 60’s, the weatherman said we would approach 80 on this early October day. Autumn is my favorite season and the short, sweet Indian Summer that falls within it is especially precious. It is the type of weather the Visitors Bureau dreams of. Who wouldn’t find Grand Rapids glorious on a day like today.

With that mindset in gear, I parked much closer than normal, a gift from a departing shopper just one row into the parking lot. My mind was firmly on the business at hand, with only one more day off my regular job, I knew I needed a productive and fruitful day. Upon exiting my car, I glanced casually at the car parked next to mine. There on the dashboard, stuck on the speedometer in all its Post-It Note glory was a little yellow message. On the paper, it said: “I hope your day is as radiant as your smile….Love K” . Wow! Suddenly, my mind went off task and my mind was filled with questions. Who is this “K”? And more importantly, who is this lucky devil who received such a meaningful and heartfelt message to begin their day? I think we all wish we were that person.

Ten simple words…Not a two page declaration of feeling, not a manifesto of complicated emotions. Ten words, only one of which has more than one syllable. And yet it says so much. To me, it reminded me of all of the times, I wanted to make that phone call to say hi to someone I cared about. It reminded me of how many times I wanted to put a note in my kids lunch box that they looked at and feigning embarrassment tuck into their pocket. It reminded me of how many thank you cards I wanted to write to family, friends, and customers who have helped me along the way. Most embarrassingly of all, it reminded me of how many people I told that I would pray for them versus how many times I got down on my knees. I didn’t intend this little message on the dashboard to spur so many “should ofs” in my own life, but maybe it is good that it did.

How long does it take to dial seven to ten digits to tell someone you are thinking of them? How long does it take to write your own sticky note message and place it on the dashboard or the lunch box or the bathroom mirror or the kitchen table if you are the first to leave in the morning? How long does it take to jot someones name down on a pad so that you remember their needs as you pray for your own? How long does it take to hang up your cellphone or take out your earphones and sincerely greet and thank the person serving you in line at your local coffee shop? The answer- not long.

So today, I take a new step. I set a new goal. I will begin to be more attentive when dealing with customers and baristas and salesclerks and waiters. I will be present when I am somewhere, not checking email, or listening to music, or playing mobile Scrabble. I will pray for someone when I tell them I will, thank them when they have helped me, and appreciate them when I do. I will seek to compliment others as it is a medicine more powerful than many on the pharmacists shelf. But most importantly, I will love, and never let anyone who is important to me doubt that they hold that place in my heart.

How long does it take? Not long. How difficult is it? Not very. What will it take to get you started? I cannot answer that for you, but for me it was ten little words on a sticky note on a dashboard: ” I hope your day is as radiant as your smile.”

I wish you a radiant day!!